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BeitragVerfasst: 22.07.2003, 23:12 

Registriert: 14.07.2003, 18:44
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: München
Hallo ihr Lieben,
hab, nachdem ich massive Probbis mit Statsme 2.7.1 gehabt habe,
mir den guten alten 2.6.4 draufgemacht (auch das amx-plugin Multikill macht probleme). Funktioniert auch alles wunderbar, nur die Multikill-Geschichten (auch brav freigegeben
in der statsme.cfg) kommen nicht ans Tageslicht. Das funzt einfach net.

Hab in der multikill.cfg schon auf 1 Frag umgestellt, demnach müsste jeder Frag zumindest ein Multikill sein.

Wer hat Erfahrung damit und kann mir helfen? Statsme selber läuft, kann soweit einiges abfragen. Die Sounds liegen unter cstrike/sound/misc.

Hier noch ein kleiner Post meiner statsme.cfg:

// StatsMe 2.6.4 - Configuration File
// StatsMe Forums: http://forums.unitedadmins.com/forumdis ... forumid=36
// Latest StatsMe: http://www.olo.counter-strike.pl

// Enable/disable statsme plugin (useful for league clan matches)
alias statsme_on "meta unpause statsme"
alias statsme_off "meta pause statsme"

// Motd which allows you to display contents depending on cvars settings
sm_motd "======================================================================"
sm_motd " Hello {p.name}, welcome to {C.hostname}"
sm_motd " Current time: {thetime}"
sm_motd " You are playing from: {p.ip}"
sm_motd " Your authid is: {p.authid}"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Players on server: {playersnum}/{maxplayers}"
sm_motd " Currently played map: {currentmap}"
sm_motd " {C.clanmod_version?:#skip!}The next map will be: {C.cm_nextmap}"
sm_motd " {timeleft?Time Remaining\: $:* No Time Limit *}"
sm_motd " {C.mp_timelimit?Timelimit is set to $ min.:#skip!}"
sm_motd " Friendly fire is {C.mp_friendlyfire?enabled:disabled}"
sm_motd " C4 timer is set to {C.mp_c4timer} sec."
sm_motd " Team killing {sm_mode&o?will:won't} be punished"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " {sm_mode&o?:#skip!}Say /forgivetk to forgive team killing"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&a?:#skip!}Say /statsme to display yours stats"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&a?:#skip!}Say /stats to display stats from other players"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&c?:#skip!}Say /top15 to display rank of the best players"
sm_motd " {sm_mode&c?:#skip!}Rank is updated on every map change"
sm_motd " {C.sm_switchinfo?:#skip!}Set 'setinfo {C.sm_switchinfo} 0' to turn off statsme announcement"
sm_motd " Other say commands: /ff, /me, /score, /timeleft, /report"
sm_motd " "
sm_motd " Server mods:"
sm_motd " * {C.statsme_version?StatsMe $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {C.clanmod_version?ClanMod $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {C.admin_mod_version?AdminMod $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {I.atac_version?ATAC $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {C.chicken_version?Chicken $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {C.csguard_version?CSGuard $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {C.hlguard_version?HLGuard $:#skip!}"
sm_motd " * {C.plbot_version?PLBot $:#skip!}"
sm_motd "====================================================================== "

// statsme options - add up the values to get desired setting
// Usage: sm_mode < set | remove > < bits >
// a - show stats to all players at the end of map (during intermission)
// b - allow for displaying stats during the game (say /statsme and /stats)
// c - allow to display top15 list (say /top15)
// d - announce headshot
// h - end round score
// i - show health, armor and hits of your killer
// l - announce knife kill
// m - announce attackers on death
// n - announce victims on death
// other flags are in scripts files
sm_mode set abciln

// NOTE: If you set it now then on every mapchange sm_mode will be set to this value,
// It will be better if you comment sm_mode here and set it by statsme_menu in game.

// Log format for end map weapon stats (make sure you have "log on" in your server.cfg)
// To disable this logging set sm_logformat to ""
sm_logformat "(weapon \'{p.st.name}\') (shots \'{p.st.shots}\') (hits \'{p.st.hits}\') (kills \'{p.st.kills}\') (headshots \'{p.st.hs}\') (tks \'{p.st.tks}\') (damage \'{p.st.damage}\') (deaths \'{p.st.deaths}\')"
//sm_logformat ""

// Detailed log format for weapon stats
// To disable this logging set sm_logformat2 to ""
sm_logformat2 "(weapon \'{p.st.name}\') (head \'{p.st.head}\') (chest \'{p.st.chest}\') (stomach \'{p.st.stomach}\') (leftarm \'{p.st.leftarm}\') (rightarm \'{p.st.rightarm}\') (leftleg \'{p.st.leftleg}\') (rightleg \'{p.st.rightleg}\')"
//sm_logformat2 ""

// Latency log
// To disable this logging set sm_latlogformat to ""
sm_latlogformat "(ping \'{p.ping}\')"
//sm_latlogformat ""
sm_latlogfreq 20 // sec.

// Playing time
// To disable this logging set sm_timelogformat to ""
sm_timelogformat "(time \'{p.time}\')"
//sm_timelogformat ""

// Player stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_playerstats "Killed enemies: {p.gm.kills}\nDeaths: {p.gm.deaths}\nEfficiency: {p.gm.eff}%%\nAccuracy: {p.gm.acc}%%\n"

// Weapon stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_weaponstats "{p.st.name} shots: {p.st.shots} hits: {p.st.hits} kills: {p.st.kills} hs: {p.st.hs} damage: {p.st.damage} eff.: {p.st.eff}%% acc.: {p.st.acc}%%"

// Same aliases which help to format messages
alias set_hs "sm_sayformat 0=100=200=-1=0.25=0=6=6=0.5=0.5=1" //Headshot
alias set_kk "sm_sayformat 0=200=100=-1=0.25=0=6=6=0.5=0.5=1" //Kinfe kill
alias set_bm "sm_sayformat 200=100=0=-1=0.30=0=6=6=0.5=1.5=1" //Bomb event
alias set_hl "sm_sayformat 255=255=255=0.02=0.90=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=1" //Normal kill
alias set_nk "sm_sayformat 220=80=0=0.05=0.15=0=6=12=1=2=1" //Normal kill 2
alias set_rd "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.55=2=0.02=12=0.01=0.1=2" //Round end - best
alias set_sr "sm_sayformat 100=200=0=0.05=0.68=2=0.02=12=0.01=0.1=1" //Round end - score
alias set_mk "sm_sayformat 0=100=200=0.05=0.65=2=0.02=6=0.01=0.1=2" //Multi kill
alias set_al "sm_sayformat 220=80=0=0.55=0.35=0=6=12=1=2=3" //Attacker list
alias set_vl "sm_sayformat 0=80=220=0.55=0.60=0=6=12=1=2=4" //Victims list

// Set time in hours after which top15 will be reset
sm_resetrank 144

// Name of setinfo which disables statsme
// Usage for clients: setinfo "_statsme" "0"
sm_switchinfo "_statsme"

// Set teams which score should be available
sm_score "TERRORIST" "CT"
//sm_score "Axis" "Allies" //for Day of Defeat

// Headshot
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg d" "set_hs;sm_tell * \'{k.name} made headshot\\non {v.name} with {k.st.name}!\';sm_clexec #{v.userid} \'spk misc/headshot\'" "ade" "3=1" "5=0"

// Knife kill
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk={R.5}}sm_clexec * \'spk misc/humiliation\';set_kk" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk!0?#skip!}sm_tell * \'{k.name} owned {v.name} with a knife!!!\'" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk!1?#skip!}sm_tell * \'{v.name}, have you no honor?\'" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk!2?#skip!}sm_tell * \'{v.name} is now ground beef...\'" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk!3?#skip!}sm_tell * \'{v.name} got sliced and diced by {k.name}!!!\'" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk!4?#skip!}sm_tell * \'Knife Kill by {k.name}\\nOoga Shaka!!!\'" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg l" "{%.rkk!5?#skip!}sm_tell * \'{v.name}, you were just n00b-ized by {k.name}...\'" "ade" "4=kni" //"5=0"

// Normal kill
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg i" "sm_tell #{v.userid} \'* {k.name} with {k.st.name} still has {k.health}hp and {k.armor}ap >>{k.st.head? head\: $}{k.st.chest? chest\: $}{k.st.stomach? stomach\: $}{k.st.leftleg? leftleg\: $}{k.st.rightleg? rightleg\: $}{k.st.leftarm? leftarm\: $}{k.st.rightarm? rightarm\: $}\' 3" ade "5=0"
// Like above but as HUD message
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg i" "set_nk;sm_tell #{v.userid} \'{k.name} killed you with {V.4}\\nhe still has {k.health} HP & {k.armor} AP.\\nYou made {v.st.damage} damage to him.\\n{k.name} hits you in:\\n{k.st.head?head $\\n}{k.st.chest?chest $\\n}{k.st.stomach?stomach $\\n}{k.st.leftleg?left leg $\\n}{k.st.rightleg?right leg $\\n}{k.st.leftarm?left arm $\\n}{k.st.rightarm?right arm $\\n}\' " ade "5=0"

// Normal kill with sound for killed
//sm_register "SM_DeathMsg i" "sm_clexec #{v.userid} \'spk \\'vox/{W.{k.health}} health and {W.{k.armor}} armor\\'\'" ade

// Victims and Attackers
sm_register "ResetHUD mn" "{%.vl{p.id}={sm_mode&n?1:0}}{%.al{p.id}={sm_mode&m?1:0}}" "bde"
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg n" "{%.vl{v.id}?:#skip!}{%.vl{v.id}=0};set_vl;sm_tell \'#{v.userid}\' \'Victims -- acc.: {v.rd.acc}%:\\n{v.victims?$:#skip!}\'" ade
sm_register "SM_DeathMsg m" "{%.al{v.id}?:#skip!}{%.al{v.id}=0};set_al;sm_tell \'#{v.userid}\' \'Attackers{v.k.name? -- $:}{v.k.rd.acc? -- acc.\: $%:}:\\n{v.attackers?$:#skip!}\'" ade
sm_register "SM_RoundEnd n" "{%.vl{p.id}?:#skip!}set_vl;sm_tell \'#{p.userid}\' \'Victims -- acc.: {p.rd.acc}%:\\n{p.victims?$:#skip!}\'" bde
sm_register "SM_RoundEnd m" "{%.al{p.id}?:#skip!}set_al;sm_tell \'#{p.userid}\' \'Attackers{p.k.name? -- $:}{p.k.rd.acc? -- acc.\: $%:}:\\n{p.attackers?$:#skip!}\'" bde

// Victims and Attackers list format
sm_victims "{p.v.name} -- {p.st.hits} hits(s) / {p.st.damage} dmg{p.st.name? / $}"
sm_attackers "{p.k.name} -- {p.k.st.hits} hits(s) / {p.k.st.damage} dmg{p.k.st.name? / $}"

// Round end - score and best
sm_register "SM_RoundEnd h" "set_rd;sm_tell * \'Most disruptive: {rd.mdisr.name?$:#skip!}\\n{rd.mdisr.rd.hits} hit(s) / {rd.mdisr.rd.damage} dmg -- {rd.mdisr.gm.eff}% eff. / {rd.mdisr.rd.acc}% acc.\\nBest score: {rd.mkill.name?$:#skip!}\\n{rd.mkill.rd.kills} kill(s) / {rd.mkill.rd.hs} hs -- {rd.mkill.gm.eff}% eff. / {rd.mkill.rd.acc}% acc.\'" bcde
sm_register "SM_RoundEnd h" "set_sr;sm_tell * \'{t1.gm.name?$:#skip!} {t1.gm.score} / eff.: {t1.gm.eff}% / acc.: {t1.rd.acc}%\\n{t2.gm.name} {t2.gm.score} / eff.: {t2.gm.eff}% / acc.: {t2.rd.acc}%\\nTotal kills: {rd.kills} Hits: {rd.hits} Shots: {rd.shots}\'" bcde

// sm_alias < command > < server command > < flags >
// flags: a - console command, b - say command, c - don't show said alias
sm_alias "/score" "sm_tell2 #{p.userid} \'Game score: {t2.gm.name} {t2.gm.score} / {t2.gm.eff} / {t2.gm.acc} -- {t1.gm.name} {t1.gm.score} / {t1.gm.eff} / {t1.gm.acc}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/report" "sm_clexec2 #{p.userid} \'say_team weapon: {p.w.name?$:#skip!} ammo: {p.w.clip}/{p.w.ammo} health: {p.health} armor: {p.armor} money: {p.money}\' 3" "bc"
sm_alias "/timeleft" "sm_tell2 * \'{timeleft?Time Remaining\: $:* No Time Limit *}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/currentmap" "sm_tell2 * \'Played map: {currentmap}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/me" "sm_tell2 #{p.userid} \'* Last result: {p.st.hits?$:#skip!} hit(s) -- {p.st.head? head\: $}{p.st.chest? chest\: $}{p.st.stomach? stomach\: $}{p.st.leftleg? leftleg\: $}{p.st.rightleg? rightleg\: $}{p.st.leftarm? leftarm\: $}{p.st.rightarm? rightarm\: $}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/ff" "sm_tell2 * \'Firendly fire: {C.mp_friendlyfire?ON:OFF}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/switch" "sm_clexec2 #{p.userid} \'setinfo {C.sm_switchinfo} {p.I.{C.sm_switchinfo}?0:1}\';sm_tell2 #{p.userid} \'* You have {p.I.{C.sm_switchinfo}?disabled:enabled} statsme announcement\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/top15" "{sm_mode&c?:#skip!}sm_clexec2 #{p.userid} {C.sm_rankcmd}" "b"
sm_alias "/statsme" "{sm_mode&b?:#skip!}sm_clexec2 #{p.userid} {C.sm_statsmecmd}" "b"
sm_alias "/stats" "{sm_mode&b?:#skip!}sm_clexec2 #{p.userid} {C.sm_statscmd}" "b"

// load statsme scripts
exec sm_scripts/sm_bombc.cfg
exec sm_scripts/sm_forgivetk.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_punishtk.cfg
exec sm_scripts/sm_hp.cfg
exec sm_scripts/sm_killingspree.cfg
exec sm_scripts/sm_multikill.cfg
exec sm_scripts/sm_firstblood.cfg
exec sm_scripts/sm_gresuc.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_tmlf.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_tdwarn.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_report.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_hping.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_greet.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_redirect.cfg
//exec sm_scripts/sm_autorr.cfg // this line must be in "server.cfg" and "listenserver.cfg"
//exec sm_scripts/sm_chicken.cfg // New cool game mode. Chicken metamod plugin need!!!

// Set password for StatsMe Menu (no password disables menu)
sm_menupassword "root" // To display menu type as player in the console: statsme_menu root

// Positions for StatsMe Menu (here can be also server commands)
// Usage: sm_menu < description > < server command >
sm_menu "Intermission stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&a?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&a?remove:set} a"
sm_menu "/statsme and /stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&b?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&b?remove:set} b"
sm_menu "Top15 Rank\\y\\R{sm_mode&c?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&c?remove:set} c"
sm_menu "Headshot announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&d?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&d?remove:set} d"
sm_menu "EndRound Stats\\y\\R{sm_mode&h?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&h?remove:set} h"
sm_menu "Normalkill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&i?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&i?remove:set} i"
sm_menu "Knifekill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&l?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&l?remove:set} l"
sm_menu "Attackers List\\y\\R{sm_mode&m?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&m?remove:set} m"
sm_menu "Victims List\\y\\R{sm_mode&n?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&n?remove:set} n"
sm_menu "-----" " "
sm_menu "mp_tkpunish\\y\\R{C.mp_tkpunish}" "mp_tkpunish {C.mp_tkpunish?0:1}"
sm_menu "mp_friendlyfire\\y\\R{C.mp_friendlyfire}" "mp_friendlyfire {C.mp_friendlyfire?0:1}"
sm_menu "mp_autoteambalance\\y\\R{C.mp_autoteambalance}" "mp_autoteambalance {C.mp_autoteambalance?0:1}"

// NOTE: This menu is prepared for Counter-Strike
// F.e. \\y means in CS that this is a yellow position and \\R that it has to be aligned
// to the right, so for Day of Defeat remove all \\y and \\R replacing it with spaces.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 27.07.2003, 11:20 

Registriert: 26.07.2003, 14:56
Beiträge: 26
hmmmmmm...keinen blassen dunst aber sag mal von wo hast du das plugin(multikill) kannste das gschwind verlinken?


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